Tuesday, 30 March 2010

The Advent of Social Networking

Imagine your life ten years ago... yes, that time when people spoke to one another either face-to-face or over the phone. It seems like ions ago now, doesn't it?

Social networking has changed the way we communicate in an unpresidented way. I can easily find out what's new with my friends at uni without even talking to them. All I have to do is log in and look- simple! Then, if I have something to say, I can. During the christmas break, I knew exactly what all my friends were doing, even those who live 250 miles away!

Social networking sites can be very useful and informative. A month ago, I lost my purse whilst at uni. I was devastated and spent the night cancelling all my cards. However, the next morning I logged into Facebook to find that I had a message from another student wanting to know if I had lost my purse, and if so, when would I like to collect it. Without the networking ability that social networking sites produce, I would have never known what happened to my purse.

But, there is a downside to all this ease of communication. EVERYONE KNOWS YOUR BUSINESS. If you decide to go to Tesco at 3am, you will more than likely update your status and tell all your friends the thrilling new development. Privacy no longer stands for anything. Everyone knows everyone's business. If a relationship breaks-down, it is made public to the world and it's neighbour.